The Thanksgiving Thanksgiver
Every Thanksgiving, much like Santa Clause, the half-man half-turkey known as the Thanksgiver travels the world punishing the thankless for their sins.
Chandler Giasson
Alicia Norton
Kelsey Ostlund
Tronne Kalthoff
and Fraser Steeves
Filmed and Edited by:
Jordan Mann
This is the first video filmed with some new equipment!
Camera: Canon T3i
Lens: Rokinon 35mm Cine Lens
Audio: H4N Zoom
Site Migration
We are currently moving the site. Probably going to be the last post on this site. Unless Jordan pulls a quick one.
Cat found on Mars!!!
See Missile Puppy Footage on iFood.TV’s “Brutally Delicious”!
A few months back we had an opportunity to film a cooking segment for Brutally Delicious with our good friends the New Jacobin Club.
Well guess what? Said segment is now available for viewing! Click HERE!
Old Video, New Effects
Here’s a video some friends of mine did in high school. I was looking for some footage to test out my After Effects skills on so I gave this guy a new coat of paint. It’s got some pretty funny moments.
Still waiting for the NJC thing? Don’t worry! I hear it’s coming… and it might even be on TV too!
What’s all this Then?
Uh oh. What’s going on here?
We’ve got new (and thankfully better) cameras! Here’s a behind the scenes picture from a still-sort-of-secret video shoot we did with The New Jacobin Club last Sunday.
Stay tuned for more details as the project comes closer to completion!
Guest Edit: Alpine Ski’s
Happy Explosion Day!
In other new’s: Corey’s been up to no good again and I’ve helped him edit a new video. Hope you enjoy it!