Category Archives: Chandler
The Zombie Hunters
Say Hello to the new MissilePuppy Production Logo!
GREAT NEWS! The MissilePuppy board of directors (ie: Chandler and I) have approved the new official production logo: You can look forward to seeing this clip attached to all future MP productions. Special thanks goes out to my little cousins for letting me record them saying “Yay Missile Puppy!” So what do you think? -Jordan
Squirrels: Are they actually neo-nazi white supremacists?
Squirrels: are they full of nasty thoughts and words for those in the world who are not white?
Green Lantern autoerotic asphyxiation!?
This image is ridiculous
Race war
Hello all, On these days when I switch to midnight shift I find myself with a lot of time to kill. There is not much I can do. I can’t talk to anyone they are sleeping. I can’t go to the comic book store because it has this thing about not being open at 4 …
Workplace Radio
Hello all, Radio sucks. I have been sitting at work with the radio on and I have noticed some things that are super annoying. I am not talking about the ads which are a necessity of keeping the station going. No, my problem is with the fact that they claim to be “The home of …
Laptops under $600
Hello All, If you live in Saskatoon and are looking to pickup an affordable computer that has what you need here are some of the ones I have found in my travels. The best way to pick any computer is to pick one that will suit what you need. Buying something that has too much …
Whew! is finally LIVE! I can already tell what you’re thinking. What is missilepuppy, and how the hell did I find it? The answer is: EVERYTHING and becuase today is your lucky day partner! Thanks for stopping by, Chandler and Jordan